Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Barkentine Ravenswood ~ 13 October 1893

Annual Report of the Operations of the United States Life-Saving Service for the fiscal ear ending June 30, 1894:

Driven ashore in severe gale and sea; assistance by boat impossible. Took apparatus cart along beach, opposite point where she was about to fetch up, and, when she struck, landed her crew of 10 men with breeches buoy, assisted by crews of New Inlet and Gull Shoal stations. Sheltered and cared for ship’s company at station, giving proper medical assistance to master, who was ill. Succored portion of crew 16 days. (See letter of acknowledgement.)


TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The (British) barkentine Ravenswood, while on a voyage from Boston for Satilla River, Georgia, on Friday, October 13, 1893, encountered a terrific storm and was stranded on the North Carolina beach about noon. We can not speak too highly of the promptness shown by Captain J.H. Westcott and noble crew in rescuing us from a perilous position. Although the sail was lashing furiously over the wreck, the first shot line was carried successfully over us, the distance being about three hundred yards, and, after hauling the whip line and hawser on board, in about thirty minutes afterwards we were all safely landed on the beach and conveyed to the station, where we were cared for and treated with the greatest kindness. A few days later our captain, Edward Kennedy, was taken sick and confined to his bed. I cannot express our gratitude for the generosity shown by Captain Wescott in supplying the wants of the sick, in sending for doctors and securing extra food, and lots of other home comforts. Keeper L.B. Midgett and crew of New Inlet has our gratitude and thanks, and also keeper D.M. Pugh and crew of Gull Shoal, in rendering us their assistance in time of need. FREEMAN SLAWENWHITE, mate ; NATHAN S. GERARD, Second mate, Barkentine Ravenswood

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