Thursday, January 5, 2012

Schooner T.M. Thomas ~ 8 February 1890

"... Feb 8, 1890, a two-masted schooner was driven ashore on Ocracoke beach by severe wind about `` a.m., day time about 10 miles SW of this station. Weather being thick cold not sea her from station. Sunday morning keeper tuck horse rode up beach in cerich of disasters. After riding about 6 miles spide sch on beach. Kept on to find out her condition. Arrived to wreck sch 10 a.m."

The schooner proved to be the T.M. Thomas, on passage to Beaufort from Baltimore, MD under the command of Captain J.T. Beveridge with a crew of four and cargo of general merchandise.

"The sch was light drafted, went well up on beach so the crew went ashore themselves, all right. All saved. The peple of the Island went down to sch the day that she went ashore and landed her cargo before night. I asked cap of wreck sch if ther was any assistance I cold render him. Sed nothing, was all right, the cargo gave up to wreck master. No assistance rendered."

The Thomas, built in Beaufort in 1873 and valued at $2,000, was a complete loss.

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